Monday, June 29, 2009

Echo Lake

Echo Lake, CO (June 27, 2009) ..

Echo Lake (elevation 10,500 ft.) situated in the Arapaho National Forest on the road to Mt. Evans is one of the highest lakes in the United States. Today we visited the lake and the took a hike on one of the trails surrounding its' greenish blue water. Pictured above are Andrew, baby Lucie, Erica and Ellen discussing their next turn on the trail. Eventually baby Lucie told them to go to the right which got us to a nice grove and picnic area on the south end of the lake. As you can see they are all wearing thermonuclear protection (sunglasses). Where did Lucie get those cute frames ??

Here's a view of the lake. Notice that there is still snow in the upper elevations of the Rockies !!

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