Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Magdelena, NM (July 7, 2009) ..

Today we visited the Very Large Array (VLA) located about 50 miles west of Socorro. The VLA is a series of 27 linked radio telescopes 25 meters in diameter each; it is considered to be one of the premier astronomical observing sites on the planet. Ellen was fascinated by the fact that they all moved in unison every few minutes. Ed was too and tried to align his hat with whatever celestial object they were observing. Even though it is summer this powerful radio telescope array was observing the winter heavens. The scopes run day and night 362 days per year.

Our prarie dog friends from last month in South Dakota were apparently doing their best imitation of the VLA. Wonder what they were looking for in the skies above ???


  1. Hey Till and EchoDelta,
    Did you know that "Alien" was partly filmed at the VLA? This is a tidbit we learned when we visited there in '98.

  2. Eddy, This is me Gary I'm using Linda's account. We're coming out of Bankrupcy tommorow!! Still 4000 more white collars to go. They juat came out with a new enhanced retirement. Guess what it starts at 53. This is the first retirement offer I've been invited to.

    My daughter Jessica and her husband Chris are on her trip. Here is their blog. Had a little car trouble in the middle of no where Montana!

    Great pictures! I really enjoyed this! Good luck on the rest of your trip. When is your end date?

  3. Gary ... i'm surprised and happy that the chap 11 is going so well. Sales of the remaining divisions have been up for the past 4 months !! 4000 is a ton of salaried people. Is the offer a good one ??? We start looking at homes on the 18th. We'll buy one .. closing date will determine the end date of the adventure. Been on the road 7 months, motorbus has travelled 7500 miles, car 20,000. See ya
