Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Guv'ner Will Be Right With You

Santa Fe, NM (July 1, 2009) ..

One of the interesting places we explored today was the capitol building in Santa Fe. Like the rest of the city it is designed to blend in with the surroundings. Therefore it is only 3 floors tall. Also it is the only round capitol building in any of the 50 states. The inside is beautiful; it's appointed with marble and travertine tile; many fine examples of New Mexican art are interspersed throughout the facility. One refreshing aspect of the capitol is its' accessibility. The front is protected from the would be terrorist's truck attack by a few small flower pots. There are no metal detectors, no innocent taxpayers being frisked; security is very subtle and out of sight. You just walk in. We did it, went upstairs and walked right into the governer's office. The receptionist was happy to see us and told us that Bill Richardson is always spending time with tourists but unfortunately he was out of town during our visit. She slipped away from the desk so that we could take a photo of the wood panel wall and the great seal of the State of New Mexico. Check it out at

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