Saturday, April 4, 2009

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Savannah, GA (April 3, 2009) ..

Welcome to Savannah and the spectacular Mercer Williams house !! John Berendt's first novel, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, was a huge literary success which was later made into a Clint Eastwood movie starring Kevin Spacey, Jude Law and the notorious Lady Chablis. Based on real life events the novel painted a unique picture of wealthy Savannah society, folk magic and complicated sexual relationships. The protangonist, Jim Williams actually lived in the house pictured above. The dwelling served as the backdrop and main stage to the novel's eccentric characters. The songwriter, Johnny Mercer ("Moon River") was a previous inhabitant, his great grandfather started the construction of the house in 1860.
Ellen and I toured old Savannah today and were impressed by it's beauty and southern charm. The city has a breathtaking array of grand homes like this one.

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