Saturday, April 11, 2009

Biggest Baseball Fan

Savannah, GA (April 9, 2009) ..

This is no ordinary fan. With a blade diameter of some 30 feet it qualifies as baseball's biggest fan. This one happens to hang from the roof of Grayson Stadium in Savannah which is the oldest minor league ball park in the United States and home to the Savannah Sand Gnats. Elly and I attended the home opener and saw the Gnats emerge victorious over the Augusta Greenjackets by a score of 3 - 0.

Continuing the Paula Deen theme .. her son Bobby, a big "fan" of the Gnats threw out the first ball of the new season as pictured below.

Click on photos to get full size view ..

1 comment:

  1. Ryobi has some fan like this and they are from the Big Ass Fan company. So that was probably a Big Ass Baseball Fan!
