Thursday, March 26, 2009

Harry Truman

Key West, Fl (March 22, 2009)

Pictured above is the Truman little White House located in Key West. Harry spent working vacations here throughout his presidency. The building is part of a small naval base so whenever he arrived he was a guest of the US Navy. In those days there was a presidential yacht and this ship served as the communications link between Harry and the real White House in Washington, DC. For more about his favorite sub-tropical haunt go to

We visited it on Sunday and had a good time ... learned lots about Harry Truman. Ellen and I visited the Truman Library and home in Independence, MO about 10 years ago.

Oh, if you think Barak Obama is the first president to be photographed shirtless, think again ... Harry did it decades ago as seen in this Key West photo.

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