Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tyranasaurus Rex

Cave City, KY (May 27, 2009) ..

We found this fellow lurking in the trees high above exit 53 of I-65 in Kentucky. This version of T-Rex was't there to terrorize but to entertain and serve as a guide to the Dinosuar World exhibit just off the highway. The picture was snapped on our journey to Dale Hollow Lake to see our friends Greg and Janice. We passed on the chance to go back to the prehistoric times and continued on to the lake. For more information see ...

Mammouth Cave, KY (May 26, 2009) ..

Today we visited Mammouth Cave which is part of the National Park Service in Kentucky. We spent 3 hours underground hiking the caves via a lantern tour. At one point the lanterns were removed and we got the chance to experience total darkness. You couldn't even see your hands or feet !!! Ellen and Ed were joined by Art and Bay, Laurie and Brice, Jackson, Hillary, Athena and Nick all family members from Louisville. It was a great tour. There is even an old TB hospital down there in one of the caverns. Nick was one of the lantern bearers .. his lantern and feet are in the above photo. For more info about the cave go to ...

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