Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Abe Lincoln

Washington, DC (May 5, 2009)..

While attending a play at Ford's Theatre on April 14, 1865, John Wilkes Booth moved in behind Abraham Lincoln and shot him in the head at point blank range. The Civil War had ended just days before and the president early in his second term was looking forward to the reconstruction of the United States. Pictured above is the presidential box where Lincoln met his end. Currently the theatre is a designated landmark and is operated by the National Park Service. Lincoln was carried across the street to a private residence where he died the next day. That house is also preserved by the NPS; tourists can walk through the house and see the room where Abe breathed his last. 2009 is the bicentennial of Lincoln's birth. For more information go to ...

Lincoln had an eerie preminition of his demise in a dream about two weeks before his death. For the details go to ...

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