Saturday, October 3, 2009

Moving Day

Farmington Hills, MI (September 19, 2009) ..

Finally, at last ... moving day arrived. Before we hit the road in mid December last year we sold most of our furniture and some of our possessions. What remained has been in climate controlled storage for the past 9 months. Pictured above is the ABF trailer being loaded to transport the goods to Chandler, Arizona. The trailer should arrive the middle of next week. Ed will have a crew of people ready to unload and deposit everything in the new house. Ellen made the trip back to Michigan to supervise the loading and has also spent time in Kentucky and Dale Hollow Lake.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ellen and Ed! Your blog is just amazing. You've done a fantastic job this past year sharing your travels. Enjoy your new home and hope your settled in soon!
    Love ya!! Vicki
