Sunday, December 21, 2008

Escape Velocity

Well, we barely escaped from the Michigan winter. Had to move up our departure date by one day in order to avoid a big snowstorm which would have kept us in West Bloomfield for a few extra days. We were still packing the motorhome at 2:00 AM Thursday morning. Finally achieved escape velocity at 6 PM Thursday (18th) and arrived just north of Dayton, OH around midnight. We stayed at a reststop on I75 for the rest of the night. Ran the onboard generator and the fog lamps all night long. Kept nice and warm with the heat set at 70 degrees. One small problem .... the generator doesn't charge the engine batteries, the fog lamps run on engine batteries ... end result ---->> a hundred bucks later after a boost start and we were on our way to Dayton to visit friends.

Left Dayton after a wind delay (7PM) and arrived at our campground outside Louisville at midnight. Now we are all set up to visit our families in Louisville and Bedford (IN) for the Christmas holiday!!!

Have a Merry Christmas !!!

-Ed & Ellen

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